Dominicans in the world

The Order of Preachers or Dominicans is organized into provinces and their vicariates which are present in most countries of the world. The Province of France is in charge of the Dominican mission in Estonia, Latvia (Liepaja) and Lithuania (Vilnius) as well as in Scandinavia (Oslo & Lund) and Finland (Helsinki: https://studium.fi).

You can learn more about Dominicans around the world by clicking on the following links:
Master of the Order and General Curia of the Order of Preachers: www.op.org
French province: www.dominicains.fr
Belgian Province: https://www.dominicanen.org/fr
Polish province: www.dominikanie.pl

Information about Dominican nuns around the world: https://www.monialesop.org/ . The closest Dominican nunnery to Estonia is located in Vilnius. For more information about Dominican nunneries in France: https://dominicaines.org/ndp/ .

For more information about the Lay Dominicans and the Dominican Lay Fraternities, visit https://laici.op.org .

For information about the Dominican Sisters of the Apostolic worldwide: https://dsiop.org .